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Avoiding Redundancy in Your Cover Letter and Resume

Avoiding Redundancy in Your Cover Letter and Resume

Avoiding Redundancy in Your Cover Letter and Resume

When on the path to securing a new job, the process often starts by crafting a resume and cover letter. However, one common pitfall many job seekers fall into is redundancy. This article will guide you on avoiding redundancy in your cover letter and creating a unique resume.

Understanding the Relevance of Uniqueness

Your cover letter and resume are the first impressions you leave on potential employers. It's vital to keep this content as unique and concise as possible. Redundancy often leads to disinterest and overlooks your application's relevance. Remember, your ultimate goal is to stand out.

How to Avoid Redundancy

Before you start, realize that your cover letter and resume serve different purposes, and yet they should complement each other—not repeat the same information. The cover letter typically delves into your personality and motivation, while the resume speaks volumes about your skills and experiences.

Highlight Unique Skills & Experiences

Instead of repeating the same skills or experiences in both documents, highlight unique instances in each. This way, you're not only avoiding redundancy in your cover letter and resume but also giving the hiring manager a comprehensive insight into your abilities.

Use Action Verbs

To further minimize redundancy, use action verbs and try to diversify your language. Using the same phrases repeatedly can become monotonous and lose the reader's interest.


Lastly, always proofread your documents before submission. Often, you may not realize that you're being redundant. A fresh pair of eyes can go a long way in identifying any repetitiveness.

To sum up, avoiding redundancy in your cover letter and creating a unique resume could be a game-changer in your job hunting journey. Find the balance between the two documents, and make each word count.

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