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What 5 Things Should a Cover Letter Include?

What 5 Things Should a Cover Letter Include?

What 5 Things Should a Cover Letter Include?

When it comes to job hunting, the cover letter is the unsung hero. It is a critical piece of your application that can make or break your chances of landing that dream role. Here are five things every successful cover letter includes to ensure you are crafting an effective cover letter component.


The first rule of crafting a successful job application is to customize the cover letter for each job you apply to. Avoid generic phrases and templates. Tailor your content to specifically address the job description and employer needs - make them feel you're genuinely interested in their company.

Relevant Skills and Experiences

Next, emphasize your key skills and experiences that are directly related to the job. These could include both soft and hard skills, previous job roles, or specific projects that showcase your abilities.

Enthusiasm and Passion

Your cover letter should scream (politely) enthusiasm and passion for both the role and the company. Show them you're not just applying because you need a job, but because you are truly passionate about what they do.

Value Proposition

Explain why you're the best fit for the role and how you will bring value to the company. Be specific - what unique skills, experiences or perspectives do you bring that will make a positive impact?


Finally, end with a clear call-to-action. This could be showing your eagerness to discuss the role further in an interview, offering to provide additional information or thanking them for considering your application. Remember, your cover letter is the first sample of your work an employer sees. Make it count!

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