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What is a Cover Letter?

What is a Cover Letter?

What is a Cover Letter?

A cover letter, often referred to as an application letter or motivational letter, is a document used in job applications that adds more detail about your skills and experience that a resume simply cannot portray. In the job seeking world, whenever you send a resume to a hiring manager, you should ideally send a cover letter as well.

Our discussion takes a deep dive into the definition of a cover letter and the relevance or importance of a cover letter in today's professional realm. Used as a tool to catch an employer's attention, learning about cover letters could be valuable in improving your chances of landing job interviews.

Definition of a Cover Letter

The cover letter is a written document that presents a short overview of the applicant's professional history. It's a direct communication between the job applicant and the employer about the applicant's qualifications, skills, and why he or she is fit for the job role. This goes beyond what is stated in the CV, by providing an opportunity to connect your experiences to what is being sought by the hiring firm.

Importance of a Cover Letter

A cover letter adds a personal touch to your job application. It shows employers that you've taken the time to tailor your submission to fit the job you're applying for. This extra step shows that you're not only committed and serious about the opportunity, but that you've also given thought to how your skills and experiences align with the required job description.

In essence, a cover letter is a story-telling tool for your career history. It allows you to illustrate your skills, show your enthusiasm for the role, and most importantly, explain how you could make a significant impact at the potential company.

Understanding the definition of a cover letter and its importance could be worthwhile in landing that dream job. It's that add-on that could aid in making your application distinct, be it at the onset of your career or when you're looking to make that important shift. Remember, the key to penning an appealing cover letter is to relate your abilities with the job requirements, and then to communicate effectively your enthusiasm for the role and company.

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